I once heard that it takes 90 days to break a bad habit or to get a new behavior engrained into your being. So I've created a blog to track my daily progress in starting some new habits (or tackling those bad ones if I feel brave enough). Every 90 days I'll choose a new habit to start or break

Monday, January 30, 2012

5am Meditation Day 19 - Giving up Technology and Social Media

No, I'm not giving up technology and social media! I wouldn't be able to do my job or take my graduate course. But, I just read an article about a student who did just that. And he did it for 90 days. Check it out!


  1. I am one of those people that look at the web and social net work as a tool and not as a lifestyle. If I haven't meet someone in person then they aren't my friend (remember my age and how friend is defined by my generation). If you can't call them in time of need and they don't show in 15 minutes they don't count as a friend. So getting off the grid would be hard for me. I think more people are starting to find they don't have to connect every mintue of eveyday.

  2. Goodness Megan! I seen your posting in my blog log, giving up technology and social media--I didn't know what to think! I had to go immediately to your blog to get an explanation. So happy to read your not giving it up yet, and you were just referencing someone else's 90 day decision. I would love to give it up, I believe my mental health would thank me for it. After this class is over, I may give it a little bit of a breather, but doing without it for 90 day's might be too much. Like you stated, our jobs kinda depend on it.

  3. Wow- that is quite a challenge to give up technology and social media. Thank you for sharing the article. I agree that it would be extremely difficult to go cold turkey, but cannot help but think there might be some amazing benefits. It would be nice to put things down and go back to our roots. My own children laugh when I say we didn't have cell phones when I was growing up...they ask, "what would you do if you had a flat three on the side of the road?"...well you would find the nearest pay phone. Sometimes I think we get too consumed by technology and social media and need a break. A ninety day break- that's a little too long.

  4. I have never had a facebook nor participated in social networking. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but in these past few weeks learning about social networking, I'm confused. I don't think the word social should be associated with this. I have given up my time with my children, husband, mom, sisters, and friends because I come home from work and get on the computer. I told my family, just other day,if they would give me just 3 more weeks, I would start cooking again and would be able to spend some time with them. I am looking forward to this.
