I once heard that it takes 90 days to break a bad habit or to get a new behavior engrained into your being. So I've created a blog to track my daily progress in starting some new habits (or tackling those bad ones if I feel brave enough). Every 90 days I'll choose a new habit to start or break

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Decision Day 1

I've chosen my first new healthy habit to add to my life- a daily meditation. I have been meaning to do this forever. I know it will help me in the long run, but I haven't quite been able to muster up the motivation to rise at 5am daily YET. Now that I am going to be held accountable by my blog, I will commit to waking up at 5am every day for 90 days. After 90 days, I am hoping I can do it with ease (i.e. without the snooze button tempting me.) If I commit to 90 days, I promise to do it for 90 days, and then after the designated time period, I can reevaluate whether I really want to wake up before the roosters. But until I've done it consistently for 90 days, I won't really know whether it is a habit that can change my life. So, here it is, I promise to wake up at 5am every day for 90 days straight... starting tomorrow!
And I promise to check-in regularly to report my progress. Let's see how it goes!

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