I once heard that it takes 90 days to break a bad habit or to get a new behavior engrained into your being. So I've created a blog to track my daily progress in starting some new habits (or tackling those bad ones if I feel brave enough). Every 90 days I'll choose a new habit to start or break

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

5am Meditation Day 20- Living in the present moment

"My mind never grew still but Rick assured me that the goal of meditation was less to quiet the mind than to witness its ceaseless activity, using what Swami Kripalu called 'self-observation without judgment.'"
-from "Meditation and Me" by Danna Faulds, Kripalu Compass Feb 2012

It was reassuring to read Danna's words above. I have been struggling with trying to quiet my mind instead of just simply observing it. Hearing from another meditator that I can just observe my thoughts takes some of the pressure off. Hopefully over time my mind will race less and less during meditation. I am also looking forward to meditation without the need to blog about it, because during meditation I often think about the blog and what I will write about late on. I was thinking that today's blog post would be about BEING IN THE NOW and LIVING IN THE PRESENT MOMENT, but while I was struggling to come across the perfect Dalai Lama or Buddha quotation that would sum up my thoughts precisely, I instead found Danna's article above and gravitated toward her words. She described her journey to becoming a daily meditator and expressed how it wasn't easy. I am definitely feeling the not-easy part of it. I am still struggling to commit to 20 minutes per day, so an hour a day seems unimaginable right now, yet remains an obtainable goal reading about others' journeys to get there. Whatever your goals are, focus on the journey, not just the destination.

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